What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

The NDIS is designed to deliver person-centred services to persons living with significant and permanent disabilities. Numerous products are offered in the scheme to help people achieve independence and enhance their quality of life.

How do I get Support Coordination in my plan?

Generally, people who are experiencing major life changes (such as housing transitions or transitioning to and from school) receive funding for support coordination. Those that require complex support to implement their plans and those that have a goal in their plan to build their capacity to coordinate their supports will usually also receive funding.
If you would like to have Support Coordination included in your plan you can talk to your Local Area Coordinator or NDIA Plan manager at your initial appointment to discuss the level of support you feel you may require.

If my plan is already approved can I still access Support Coordination?

If you are already part way through a plan but require Support Coordination, you can complete a ‘Change of Circumstances’ form, and submit it to the NDIS. If you are less than 3 months into your plan, and you asked for Support Coordination but did not receive it, you can request a ‘Review of a Reviewable Decision’ by contacting the NDIA or your Local Area Coordinator to have it included.

Can I have Support Coordination if I am self-managed?

Yes, regardless of the type of plan management you have chosen, Self- Managed, Plan- Managed or Agency- Managed you can receive support coordination funding in your plan if the NDIA deems it as a necessary support.
At this stage iNDige-IS can only deliver support to Self-managed and Plan managed participants. If you are Agency-managed and would like iNDige-IS to deliver your support coordination please contact us directly so we can assist you with this process.

How do I pay for Support Coordination?

Support coordination will be funded into your NDIS plan under the capacity building support budget of your plan.

What should I consider when choosing a Support Coordinator?

Things you may want to consider when choosing the right support coordinator for you could include things such as how they will support you to meet your goals, how they meet your expectations, what their costs for service are and notice periods/fees for ending a service agreement with them. Most importantly is how they communicate with you and support you throughout the service period.

Can I change my Support Coordination service to iNDige-IS?

Yes, you can. You can change providers at any time if you are not satisfied with the service that you are currently receiving. If you would like iNDige-IS to deliver your Support Coordination please contact us directly and we can assist you with this process.

How do I access Support Coordination with iNDige-IS?

Once you have Support Coordination funded into your NDIS plan, contact us by phone or email or complete the referral form below and we will contact you to organise a time to meet with you.