Services and Support

What is Support Coordination?

Support Coordination is an NDIS funded support, designed to assist you to get the most from your NDIS plan.  Support Coordinators help you achieve greater independence to self-direct your services and supports in the long term.

What is the role of a Support Coordinator?

At iNDige-IS our Support Coordinators will work closely with you to help you understand your NDIS plan, explore and connect with different service options and assist you to utilise the funded supports within your plan. We will ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to live more independently, maintain your relationships and engage socially within the community.

How can we support you?

Some of the ways we will assist you:

  • Reading and understanding your NDIS plan
  • Ensure you get the best value for money
  • Help you understand how to access and use the NDIS Portal
  • Help you understand what you can spend your NDIS funds on
  • Assist you to develop service agreements with service providers
  • Support you to connect with services including mainstream supports
  • Help you prepare for your plan review
  • Support you to make changes to your funding
  • Design and work towards your goals

What are the levels of Support Coordination and what do they mean?

Coordination of Supports
(Level 2)

This is the most common type of support coordination included within NDIS plans, it provides ongoing more complex support for the duration of your plan. This level of support not only helps you connect with service providers, maintain service delivery tasks and assist you to implement your NDIS plan but also supports you to explore ways to reach your goals whilst providing coaching and support to help you manage your network of supports. We will assist you with preparing for your plan review and complete the necessary NDIS reports required.

Specialist Support Coordination
(Level 3)

Specialist support coordination will provide the same supports as Level 2 but it is provided to people with very complex needs or people in high level risk situations.